We offer individual tours of the school each week. Please fill out this form to book your tour.

child using a laptop

A very successful Senior Schools Fair

Posted: 6th November 2023

Before half-term PGP families and admissions departments and Heads of London senior schools all joined us for PGP’s annual Senior Schools Fair and took the opportunity to hear Dr Edmonds’s presentation on the 11+ process. The soundbite by each school on what makes their establishment special was hugely helpful to the families that attended and it was super to hear our pupils quiz and ask astute questions of the staff from the senior schools. We were also delighted that parents with children in local state schools accepted our invitation and we had the opportunity to extend a warm welcome to them. Thank you to the school community for supporting this event, to the PGP staff who are always eager to lend a hand and to chef Douglas for the delicious buffet for which he is renowned.

Categories: General news
Our next Open Day and tours

Our next Open Day is on Saturday 18 May at 9.30am. We also offer drop-in mornings and individual tours of the school during term time. We are a proprietorial, standalone school with membership of the ISA, IAPS and NACE. We look forward to welcoming you to our wonderful school. Rated ‘Excellent’ in all areas of our May 2022 ISI inspection.

T: 020 7610 8085
E: admissions@parsonsgreenprep.co.uk