We offer individual tours of the school each week. Please fill out this form to book your tour.

girl in ballerina costume

Attenborough House have chosen to raise funds for dogs and cats charity Mayhew (themayhew.org) this year through PGP’s annual Talent Show. We are looking forward to it already! (Photo credit: Alec Favale via Unsplash)

@themayhew @unsplash @iapsuk @familiesswlondon @schoolhouse_magazine @isparent.mag #ParsonsGreenPrep #ParsonsGreen #Fulham #London #SW6 #Londonschool #fulhamschools #prepschool #prep #independentschool #school #parents #fBlackCatFriday #vets #veterinary #animalwelfare #giving #donate #charity #welfare #community #cats #dogs #mayhew

School Life

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) at Parsons Green Prep

Nothing is more important to us than the care and education of your children. Not only is it essential that your children feel safe, confident and happy in their new environment, but you too must feel comfortable that their developmental needs are being met. Every child deserves the best possible start in life and this underpins all that we do here at PGP.

Our school is made up of Pre-prep (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) and Prep (Years 3 to 6). Our Reception class sets the foundations for lifelong learning. The wide range of experiences and opportunities are key in developing the skills and personal qualities necessary for later learning and for the world beyond.

We offer a very personal education, tailored to your child’s needs. They will be placed in a newly refurbished class, with a teacher and two teaching assistants. We aim to have a mix of gender, age and ability in the class. Our room is modern and bright, with a wide variety of opportunities to play and explore. There are dedicated spaces both inside and outside, ideal for discovery, construction and physical play.

The School Day

Every school day is different at Parsons Green Prep. Starting at 8am or 8.30am depending on if they attend a morning club, preparing for a sports fixture, competing in a chess match or participating in booster sessions and exam practice for the 11+. Many children take part in our extensive after-school clubs programme.

Pastoral care is a co-pillar with academic achievement at PGP. Every child’s welfare is important to us and we aim to provide everyone with a happy and secure environment in which to learn and develop. Teachers have primary responsibility for the children in their class, both as individuals and as a group. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable and we follow a clear anti-bullying policy.

Regarding the curriculum, we believe that how a child learns is as important as what a child learns. Our teaching techniques reflect the latest pedagogical research. All pupils are assessed on entry and we progress their learning from the baseline results to ensure that every child is able to access the curriculum and is stretched.