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child using a laptop

Four brilliant students from our Prep school proudly represented PGP in a national general knowledge quiz competition. With 89 schools taking part, they showcased their amazing talent and determination, coming 50th. Well done team!

@quizclubuk @iapsuk @familiesswlondon @schoolhouse_magazine @isparent.mag #ParsonsGreenPrep #ParsonsGreen #Fulham #London #SW6 #Londonschool #fulhamschools #prepschool #prep #independentschool #school #parents #family #parenting #education #teaching #ISA #ISAschools #IAPS #londonschools #STEAM #science #generalknowledge #quiz #quizclub #quizclubuk

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Billy the Badger, Anti-bullying Week and Armistice Day

Posted: 14th January 2025

Fulham Foundation

A surprise before the Autumn half-term break was a visit from Fulham Football Club’s mascot, Billy the Badger, and the pupils loved meeting him. We are delighted to partner with Fulham – their Fulham Foundation is providing coaches for our very popular after-school football clubs. You can read more about our extra-curricular activities here.

Anti-bullying Week 2024

PGP proudly took part in Anti-Bullying Week from Monday 11 to Friday 15 November 2024. The theme was ‘Choose Respect’. We encouraged both adults and children to wear odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique. In lessons we explored what bullying is, how it can affect people and how we can tackle it. You can find out more here.

Art Club

The lunchtime Art Club produced these amazing artworks based on the artist Louise McRae, who uses bits of wood to create interesting reliefs. They used inks to create these colourful explosions. Lovely work! You can read more about art and other subjects here.

Ride in style

We encouraged the pupils to travel to school via bicycle or scooter with the option of decorating their mode of transport. This helps to stay healthy, reduce pollution and parking congestion around schools and it is a great way of encouraging pupils to develop road safety skills.

News from last year’s chosen charities

Last academic year the children in our four houses selected Under One Sky (Earhart house), Starlight (Shackleton house), The Daisy Trust (Williams house) and Riding for the Disabled (Attenborough house) as the charities they wanted to support. Each house held various fundraising events and, thanks to the generosity of our parent community, the children raised a total of £1,595. Well done everyone!

Armistice Day

A minute’s silence at 11am was observed in school on Armistice Day in 2024. We used it as a moment to think about those that have made sacrifices for the good of everyone and to promote peace around the world.

Pre-prep have a Mindfulness Moment

In our Mindfulness assembly, Pre-Prep explored several yoga positions as part of their ‘Mindfulness Moment’ of the day. The children found a space, took some nice, deep breaths and then began to squat gently up and down for the ‘horse’ position. This left the children feeling calm, focused and ready to start their day.


Categories: General news