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child using a laptop

Four brilliant students from our Prep school proudly represented PGP in a national general knowledge quiz competition. With 89 schools taking part, they showcased their amazing talent and determination, coming 50th. Well done team!

@quizclubuk @iapsuk @familiesswlondon @schoolhouse_magazine @isparent.mag #ParsonsGreenPrep #ParsonsGreen #Fulham #London #SW6 #Londonschool #fulhamschools #prepschool #prep #independentschool #school #parents #family #parenting #education #teaching #ISA #ISAschools #IAPS #londonschools #STEAM #science #generalknowledge #quiz #quizclub #quizclubuk

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Lessons from Japanese Culture

Posted: 30th January 2025

Many of our parents will be aware that I was fortunate to have the opportunity to live and work in Japan. During that time I experienced a wide range of Japanese traditions and learnt hugely from several specific concepts, some of which resonate with how we nurture the children’s learning at Parsons Green Prep. Shoshin, or ‘the beginner’s mind’, is about being open-minded, eager to learn and free of preconceptions. Wabi-sabi, ‘peace in imperfection’, is a concept that encourages an appreciation that nothing is truly perfect or permanent. Both shoshin and wabi-sabi suggest ways to frame challenges and find strength in the process of learning.

We do not aim for perfection at Parsons Green Prep – we aim for children to develop the ability to be open to new ideas, concepts and ways of working, to consider all aspects of a problem, to listen intently to others’ views and to dive deep into information and have our thoughts challenged. Encouraging the children to enjoy ‘stretch’ and be resilient in their learning and social experiences, embrace new knowledge and learn from their mistakes underpins the teaching and pastoral care at Parsons Green Prep and leads to the progress that the children and staff celebrate every day.

Last week I asked the Class Teachers to see if the children would like to share aspects of their cultural traditions, just for five minutes or less, during the weekly short assembly we hold on Mondays. We have much to learn from each other and I do hope parents will support this initiative and will encourage their child to participate in a ‘show and tell’ of cultural traditions. This is a step towards PGP’s International Day we are planning for the summer term, as voted for by the children in the school’s Wellbeing General Elections 2024.

Dr Edmonds,


Categories: General news