We offer individual tours of the school each week. Please fill out this form to book your tour.

Beth Dinsmore

Miss Beth studied Primary Education at Durham University for three years and has extensive experience of the 11+ curriculum and the London prep school context. Miss Beth is the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). She is a keen hockey player and plays every weekend for a local club. As a keen sportswoman, she supports the teaching of PE in Years 5 – 6 with Mr Tom. Miss Beth is also Maths Coordinator and enjoys sharing this subject with all year groups through maths-themed days and helping to embed problem solving into the curriculum. She has been at PGP since 2020 and during the summer holidays enjoys travelling, sailing and reading novels.

Our next Open Day and tours

Our next Open Day is on Saturday 18 May at 9.30am. We also offer drop-in mornings and individual tours of the school during term time. We are a proprietorial, standalone school with membership of the ISA, IAPS and NACE. We look forward to welcoming you to our wonderful school. Rated ‘Excellent’ in all areas of our May 2022 ISI inspection.

T: 020 7610 8085
E: admissions@parsonsgreenprep.co.uk