We offer individual tours of the school each week. Please fill out this form to book your tour.

Tim Cannell

Mr Cannell has a wealth of experience of working in education. For the past 30 years he has worked in the independent sector holding a variety of senior roles, including 14 years as Head. This included a few years as Head at PGP before being promoted to the Head of Governance and Business Development. He has been a school Governor, Chair of the Cathedral Choir Schools Association and sits on three educational trusts, including the IAPS trust. He is a Reporting Inspector for the Independent Schools Inspector.

Our next Open Day and tours

Our next Open Day is on Saturday 18 May at 9.30am. We also offer drop-in mornings and individual tours of the school during term time. We are a proprietorial, standalone school with membership of the ISA, IAPS and NACE. We look forward to welcoming you to our wonderful school. Rated ‘Excellent’ in all areas of our May 2022 ISI inspection.

T: 020 7610 8085
E: admissions@parsonsgreenprep.co.uk