We offer individual tours of the school each week. Please fill out this form to book your tour.

Attenborough House have chosen to raise funds for dogs and cats charity Mayhew (themayhew.org) this year through PGP’s annual Talent Show. We are looking forward to it already! (Photo credit: Alec Favale via Unsplash)

@themayhew @unsplash @iapsuk @familiesswlondon @schoolhouse_magazine @isparent.mag #ParsonsGreenPrep #ParsonsGreen #Fulham #London #SW6 #Londonschool #fulhamschools #prepschool #prep #independentschool #school #parents #fBlackCatFriday #vets #veterinary #animalwelfare #giving #donate #charity #welfare #community #cats #dogs #mayhew

Inspection Articles

Main School

Quality of Education

Quality of Education

Main School

Quality of Education

SMSC and British Values

Health & Safety

Suitability of Staff


Provision of Information



Leadership and Management