We offer individual tours of the school each week. Please fill out this form to book your tour.

students chatting in a tree house

Four brilliant students from our Prep school proudly represented PGP in a national general knowledge quiz competition. With 89 schools taking part, they showcased their amazing talent and determination, coming 50th. Well done team!

@quizclubuk @iapsuk @familiesswlondon @schoolhouse_magazine @isparent.mag #ParsonsGreenPrep #ParsonsGreen #Fulham #London #SW6 #Londonschool #fulhamschools #prepschool #prep #independentschool #school #parents #family #parenting #education #teaching #ISA #ISAschools #IAPS #londonschools #STEAM #science #generalknowledge #quiz #quizclub #quizclubuk

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Friends Of Parsons Green Prep


Mission Statement

Who are we and what do we do?

If you are a parent, carer or guardian of a child attending Parsons Green Prep, you are automatically a member of the Friends of Parsons Green Prep (FOPGP), the school’s parents group.

“The main goal of any friends of school association is to create opportunities for parents to participate and engage in school life. The aim is to enhance our children’s experience in school by building a school community through organising social and fun events throughout the year”

These events are a great opportunity to get to know each other and your child’s school friends, to provide a forum for parents in PGP and to contribute to our children’s experience in school. At the same time FOPGP raises money which enables us to provide extra equipment for the school where appropriate. Although this traditional model of fundraising is important, it is not FOPGP’s or PGP’s main mission or expectation.

The group has a President and a Treasurer to represent all the parents ideas and suggestions, manage the organisation of activities and fundraising events and to keep an eye on the financials. FOPGP holds meetings once a term, to discuss forthcoming events and activities and share ideas on how the funds could be spent. Any parent of the school can become President or Treasurer and you can get involved with FOPGP as much or as little as you like. There are no obligations. Everyone is welcome at any time!

FOPGP will send out sporadic emails with reminders of events. As a member of FOPGP your registered email address will automatically be added to our email group. In case you wish to opt out of receiving emails from FOPGP, please let us know on the below email address. You can use the same email address if you are interested in attending a FOPGP meeting, have ideas or suggestions for activities or events or are willing to help out at any event. We never take anyone’s participation for granted. Every little helps us all and ensures that we can continue to fund projects to benefit all the children.